
Keeping Pace with Threats & Tech: FIDO2 Authentication for Financial Institutions

Keeping Pace with Threats & Tech: FIDO2 Authentication for Financial Institutions

Passwords, one-time passwords (OTP), and two-factor authentication (2FA) are fast becoming outdated. Password-less authentication with FIDO2 is the leading replacement for passwords, OTP, and 2FA, in part because it avoids passwords all together.In this solution sheet you’ll find the answers to these questions: What is the FIDO alliance, the FIDO2 standard, and is the market ready? How is FIDO2 better than passwords, OTP, and 2FA Learn how FIDO2 Authentication offers increased security, a better user experience, flexible implementation options, simple operations and maintenance, and cost-effective solutions on the market.Download Solution Sheet
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SMARTER Conversations in Wealth Management

SMARTER Conversations in Wealth Management

Changing client demographics and expectations, constantly shifting compliance regulations, increasing competition from digital disrupters: These are just a few of the issues keeping wealth management leaders awake at night. Smart Communications can help you navigate these new challenges and find success by automating two-way, digital-first conversations with clients and financial advisors. Here are 8 real-world examples illustrating how wealth management companies are working with Smart Communications to grow revenue and build loyalty, while reducing costs and compliance risks.
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IDC: The Business Value of SAP Account Substantiation and Automation by BlackLine

IDC: The Business Value of SAP Account Substantiation and Automation by BlackLine

The rapid pace of change brought on by the current market dynamics has put a spotlight on the communication of business information. Many financial leaders are hampered by an inability to gather and disseminate that business-critical information to the necessary stakeholders at the necessary speed to cope with the rapidly changing business environment. This has greatly impacted their ability to effectively manage and make data-driven decisions. Financial processes like the financial close have long been areas where effective communication is both very difficult and highly important. In a remote working environment, effective communication became even more crucial to the business.…
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Paving the Road to SAP S/4HANA with BlackLine

Paving the Road to SAP S/4HANA with BlackLine

Companies that successfully leverage technology to harness data faster and more effectively are best positioned for success. Complete and accurate data allows organizations to respond to changing market conditions with little notice and seize growth opportunities ahead of the competition. But accessing this data requires adopting a “Finance and Accounting first” mindset. While finance and accounting (F&A) transformation has traditionally not been prioritized as compared to customer-facing functions, leading transformation with F&A allows organizations to pave the road to a reliable data foundation and enable deeply informed decision-making.
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Capturing the Web 3.0 opportunity with crypto on-ramp

Capturing the Web 3.0 opportunity with crypto on-ramp

A payment method that lets users purchase their desired cryptocurrency. Web 3.0 shifts ownership from centralised authorities to communities and individuals. The adoption of blockchain technology is at the heart of this movement. Unfortunately, friction and barriers exist between the traditional financial system and the Web 3.0 economy. This whitepaper from Paysafe provides a comprehensive overview of the transition from Web 2.0 to Web 3.0. It outlines issues and opportunities and then offers a solution to those problems. It then concludes by introducing Paysafe’s Skrill crypto on-ramp service. Here’s what you’ll learn: The evolution of the digital economy The limits…
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